After a decade creating unforgettable experiences under the name Espai Gastronomía, the time has come…
Espai Gastronomia’s dinner
One more year our team from Espai Gastronomia gathered to enjoy a day together and become guests for one day.
The theme of this year was ” 5 senses” and the importance to take care of all of them to enjoy envolving experiences. Have you noticed how takes importance the taste when you eat without seeing anything? Or how the taste changes if you cannot smell what you are eating?
We visited the Bohigas cellar in Can Macià, wearing a mask on our eyes. Once we were inside the cava, we took out the mask and we could feel the smell of humidity, wood and fermentation. The environment was cold and wet. In the middle of this environment we tasted the exclusive cava Bohigas “Noa”, the new creation.
After that, we went to the banquete room and we took a seat as our guests do. There we were proposed a new experience: eat without curtlery. After perceiving with our hands textures and temperatures, our eyes were covered and we were served a dish without seeing anything. By its form and texture, an excrement came into our mind. Those people who ventured to taste it, could enjoy the flavour of chocolate.
As a third experience, also with our eyes covered, everybody served “xurros amb xocolata” to the person next to him/her. It seem so easy but when we took out the mask, we could see that we had chocolate even in our ears!
After the experience with the food, we all gathered inside the chapel of Can Macià. Under the lights of the candles, we could talk about senses and the importance to have them into account in Espai Gastronomia’s projects and in our journey, and with an explosion of fetid bombs we run out to the next activity.
Sitting in the grass, hearing the sound of the old windmill, we had a place for our creativity. We recieved a piece of mud, fresh and wet, with its particular smell. With this material, everyone expressed what he or she feels that represents for the team, creating a mud figure. The result was 25 singular figures but complementary to the others.
And suddenly the war with mud started. We played as kids, and we could feel again the fresh of the mud on our skin, getting dry with the sun.
After taking a shower, we could enjoy the sunset from the terrace of the countryhouse, with a mohito in our hands. Després d’un bona dutxa vam poder gaudir de la posta de sol sobre les vinyes de Can Macià des del terrat de la masia, amb un mojito a la mà.
And to finish the day, we had a great dinner with the family, talking and enjoying a day with us as guests.